Your Definition of Work Got Nothing On Webster
Many ask if I still work. Depends on your definition of work. I do spend my time on things and activities that move my needle. Please note, I said my needle, not my mom's needle, or the pessimistic relative's needle. My needle. Over the years, I have deleted activities, habits, and people who don't contribute to my goals and dreams. Now that's work. Anyone on their own intentional journey of claiming their lives can probably relate to the whole control+alt+del sensation. I figured out that getting things done means clearing my headspace of lame thoughts that get in my own way. That's also work. Recognizing what is holding up the line and actually working to eliminate them takes A LOT of practice and courage especially since it's me calling out my own bs. Despite the battles and not-so-smooth bumps on the ride, figuring out your definition of work is pretty cool because eventually the seeds you planted along the way sprout into something beautiful.